суббота, 17 октября 2009 г.

Night was falling quickly, but on this Full Moon night (you will see it in my next post tomorrow) of early Spring it was difficult to stop taking pictures despite not having a tripod. A bateau mouche (open air tour boat with very bright floodlights) passed by and lit up the Quai d'Orsay for a few short seconds, adding a magical golden glow to this entire scene. Oh my goodness!!! Thankfully I had already framed the image the way I loved it so it was a matter of holding my breath and holding the camera as steady as I could and.............click!!

The church spire on the left is the American Church in Paris. Here is some information about it:
The American Church in Paris is the first American church established outside the United States. It started in 1814, when it was officially chartered and the first sanctuary was built in 1857. The present site located on 65 Quai d'Orsay 75007, Paris, France, dates back to 1930

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